What is the correct way to calculate VWAP and is Average Price the same as VWAP?

@Shashank_Shirke, Yes, both ATP(Average Traded Price) and VWAP(Volume weighted average price) are the same by definition.
The ATP is received from the exchange and is the volume-weighted average price of all trades at the exchange, while the VWAP on the chart is calculated on our end based on the ticks received from the exchange.

We don’t receive ticks for all trades executed on the exchange. For example, SBIN might have 1000 trades executed in 1 second but the broker receives only 1 or 2 ticks for that second. Since the chart candles and VWAP are built using this data, not all trades are captured leading a difference. The number of ticks and the accuracy is explained in detail in this thread.
This difference can be found in 1 min charts. Over longer duration charts, you will see a lower variance.

Hope this helps!

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