What NISM exam should I take to get a dealer terminal?

Greetings all,

I want to be able to use execution algorithms. I am not interested in coding my own strategies or anything of that sort. Just plain pre-programmed algorithms to buy or sell large quantities of futures/options/stock. I was advised to get a dealer terminal and then the NEST Pulse software which has pre-programmed execution algorithms. But I was also told that I had to take an exam and get a certification to be able to get a dealer terminal in the first place.

I want to know what exam I should take. Is it just this one exam - “NISM-Series-VIII: Equity Derivatives Certification Examination” (http://nism.ac.in/certification/index.php/nism-certifications/equity/equity-derivatives) or is there more i should take?

And how do I go about the process of being able to use execution algorithms after getting the certification?

Thanks in advance.




Yes it is the series VIII exams.


Nice explanation and tutorial on algoZ used with ZerodhaTrader


There is a way out with out giving exams. You will still be able use automation, algorithms and strategies. Only thing is orders won't be placed automatically .. you will have to confirm it .. one manual step .. if you are okay with it. For full automation dealer terminal is the only way out. Go through the links mentioned above.