What to do with discrepancy of GMRP&UI-T in kite holdings?
The average price for GMRP&UP will be updated in a couple of days. You can sell the shares normally if you wish to, this does not have any effect on your trades and P&L. You can check the corporate action status here:
I too have this problem
i dont rmemebr buying it
i dont have this buy transaction in my tradebook …
but still it is showing up in my holdings from last few days …
what do i do ???
from what i undrstand ,is that all those who had shares of GMR INFRA are given 1 share of GMRP&UI-T, for every 10 shares on GMRINFRA
But i sold all the 18 shares i had of GMRINFRA in 14 Feb…
then why now march , 2 days ago my holdings is showing 1 share of this GMRP&UI-Tal of a sudden …???
what do i do ??
The record date for determining the eligibility was January 12, as you were holding shares of GMR on this date, you were eligible to receive the shares of GMRP&UI, even if you sold the shares later.
Depending on your view, you can either stay invested or sell the shares whenever you want to.
Now, I am seeing the discrepancy for GMRINFRA. I have not sold anything but have been only buying few. Will this discrepancy also go away automatically ? By when please ?