What to keep in mind for investing for the very first time?

I’m new and I would like to understand what I need to do before investing. I acquired some basic knowledge about how things work, but as of now I would like to know the opinions of some people. Comment me your thoughts. Thank you.

Whenever You Place Your Order Place Limit Order
Cause market order leads you to see The Red Colour on 1st Tick which might Lead to Loosing of some Confidence
Go for Sectorial Leaders
Be Away From Penny Stocks
Once You Get Well Equipped with Large Cap
Then You Can Go for Broader Markets
You Can also Do Coffee Can Investing
Don’t Touch FnO till You Know about It
And invest the money which you don’t need for atleast next 3 years

I suggest following…

  • Since you are new, try to put money in ETFs than a particular stock.

  • Dont rush in to FNO, keep focus on learning than money making.

  • start a SIP till you gain a confidence. this will serve as capital once you are ready for other segments like swing/FNO/Currency etc.,

  • Youtube has lots load of knowledge, target a particular style and master.

All the best. !!

I think it will be better if you tell what you know.