What's happening in the entertainment theme?

Recently , I was surprised seeing news about Diljit dosanjh concerts tickets in 10 cities getting sold within a minute.

Today, Coldplay concert tickets got sold in a much more dramatic fashion with the booking websites getting crashed and this is for tickets getting priced between 35-50k and the same tickets getting resold at 100-150k within hours today in black markets as well

Kya chal raha hai, guys? :sweat_smile: Is this trend here to stay? Or is this just a one-off? One way to look at this…There’s some serious money out there with many folks and this trend will only grow going forward

This might not be a direct market-related topic but this speaks volumes about the consumption and entertainment theme tsunami that we’re witnessing in our country.

Another example:

What’s your take on this topic ?


Maybe the line between spending and splurging is blurred. Probably the number of affluent Indians are more than what’s presumed.

The mad rush around iPhones or concert tickets seems to be unrealistic. Rather than buying a product or service, ppl are just buying into the hype and following a trend (probably a herd mentality).

Obviously it is their money and they are able to afford it somehow, so there is nothing wrong with it. But it is the manner in which it is happening that is baffling.

Wonder how many of those buying such concert tickets have really heard or know these western bands/artists or their songs.

The fact that people are willing to stand in queues for hours just to buy iPhones without any complaints is unfathomable.

How did something that is considered as a discomfort (queues) become a symbol of pride ?

The same people would certainly find it hard to stand for an hour or two during elections for casting their votes or just any other place, where it becomes necessary to follow a queue.

It is not as if the iphones will vanish if they are not purchased on the day of their launch.

Not to forget the quick commerce delivery story, what’s the need to deliver iPhones in 10 mins, are people really that impatient or did iPhones become perishable.

What are the age group? 20s mid 20s or 30s?Married or unmarried ? Jobless or job ? Family networths ? Number of loans ? Answers to These questions would tell more about the behavioural trend .

My guess is it’s the crazy quick personal loans being offered.