What's next for Rainmatter?

Read this post on LinkedIn about Rainmatter winning an award…Congratulations @nithin and team.


Was reading more on it and Rainmatter ecosystem is really interesting, investing in start-ups that have helped address pain points.

Just curious to know Whats next? :slight_smile: What are your future plans with rainmatter…

Thanks and hearty congratulations once again.

Thanks :slight_smile:

We continue to scout and partner with startups working on helping Indians do better with money. While we are open to all ideas, we are kind of going big around advisory. We hypothesise that the best way to help people do better with money is by active advisory. Essentially, advisors with no conflict of interest help customers manage money and, in the process, also help them understand finance and money.

Outside of Fintech we also are partnering with startups making it easier for Indians to make healthier choices. Health has to be included when talking about Wealth.

Through Rainmatter Foundation we are going all in. The below is from a yet-to-be-released post to give you more context.

In 2020, we set up the Rainmatter Foundation, a non-profit organisation, to focus on exactly this, the single biggest threat that humanity faces. The foundation focuses on climate change, ecological restoration, and the one thing that is generally not talked about in the context of these problems—livelihoods. Of the Rs 750 crores we originally pledged to the foundation to invest in these causes, about Rs 300 crores have already been disbursed. Climate change is not a problem that one entity or any technology can ever solve, but it is our conviction that the resources we have been lucky to accumulate are best utilised when invested in the society in these areas. This is not only about our conscience, but is also common sense. There will be no business if there is no society! Here is a list of some of the organisations and causes the Rainmatter Foundation is helping.

Apart from supporting non-profit organisations and causes, we also support entrepreneurship in these areas. We have structured the for-profit investments in this space in such a way that any potential returns go back 100% to the foundation. In addition, we continue to allocate at least 15% of Zerodha’s annual profits to the foundation.