When assessing the profitability of a company for the long term, what financial info should I focus on? (Balance Sheets, P&L Account, Cashflows, Quaterly,Yearly)

All the three financial statements are inter related and it would be tough to view each one of them in silos. Just to give you a sense of how they are related..

1) The retained earnings from the PL flows into the reserves of the BS

2) The interest in PL is calculated as % of secured and unsecured debt mentioned in BS

3) Depreciation from PL gets adjusted with accumulated depreciation in BS

4) PAT or EBIT flows into the Cashflow

5) Net cash flow from Cash flow statement flows into the Cash balance in BS (under current assets)

So on and so forth.

Having said that, if your idea is to get a quick view on  profitability of a company you need to look through the Profit and Loss statement in more detail. 

Few things that you need to pay attention to

1) Growth in revenues

2) Operating margins (EBITDA Margins)

3) PBT Margins

4) PAT Margins and growth in PAT

5) EPS and growth in EPS

Quarterly numbers is pretty much noise,  I would suggest you look at  the trailing 9 and 12 month data. 

Most importantly to get a true sense of profitability always compare the company's numbers with its peers

Happy investing! 


Thanks Karthik. Lots to chew on this topic, but thanks for the direction! :slight_smile:

Sure! Good luck.