When people say trading intraday NIFTY what instrument it means?

I am new to futures trading.

When people say trading intraday NIFTY what it means? Does it mean trading NIFTYBEES or NIFTY22JUNFUT or NIFTY22JUN10500CE

It can mean any one of them or combo of multiple instruments.
Futures, Options, ETFs etc.

  1. People don’t trade in NIFTYBEES it is mainly used for investment to get NIFTY returns without having to invest in all 50 companies.

  2. Probably you meant NIFTY JUN FUT → This Scrip is used for trading in NIFTY futures for June month.

  3. Assuming you took NIFTY22JUN10500CE as an example; This is strike price used for trading in NIFTY Weekly Options.

Oh my bad :rofl: :rofl:

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