Where can I find the SGX Nifty Futures Intraday chart live or just before market opens in India?

Is there anywhere I can see the intraday chart of SGX Nifty before market opens in India?

I assume markets open in SGX around 7 am indian time.

A delayed graph is also ok. Can you point some links?

These links:

  1. http://www.marketcalls.in/sgx-nifty

  2. http://sgxnifty.org/


The best SGX Nifty live Chart I have seen on Sweeglu website. This chart is live from morning 6:30 AM to 11:30 PM and shown real time quotes. It is also light chart and upload faster. Link of SGX Nifty live chart is http://sweeglu.com/sgx-nifty-live-chart/

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Here you can get  SGX NIFTY LIVE Chart, World live Quote and world market timings in Indian standard time.

Is it possible to add SGX NIFTY to market watch?

Thanks Sameer!

Sgxnifty is open for 20 hours a day .
How can I trade Sgxnifty? Or how can I trade in Sgx ? Do we also have sgxbanknifty ?

U had said that nifty future is having good volume in IFSC exchange based in gujarat .

How can i watch nifty after 3.30 pm ; in that exchange ?

Hmm… where did I say that? The volumes aren’t good yet, but as soon as the SGX transactions move to NSE IFSC, the volumes are bound to increase.

Btw, you can check the prices on NSE IFSC here
