Where to find historical Market Cap chart of NSE stocks?

I want to see historical mcap chart of stocks, but I can’t find any website to see this. Only available are price charts but I want market cap charts. Any suggestions please.

You tried google? it should give some results I believe.

Yes, I tried Google, Yahoo finance, even paid trial version on Ycharts.com and none of them have mcap charts. Ycharts has mcap charts mostly for US stocks and a few indian stocks but very very few. I am looking for mcap charts of atleast the nifty 500 stocks. Any suggestions please.

Try this:

I could find semi-annual mcap released by nse:

Full Market Cap data. But from 2016. Also it dones’t have IWP/FF MCAP.

  1. screenr: on main page of website, change chart to mcap/sales. U also get sales data. In principle, u can get mcap as product of both.
    [see the pointer]