Hi Team,
I have 3 simple questions which need to be resolved if i want to continue with zerodha on a large capital
Is there any case where Zerodha can go bankrupt of default in payment to its clients i.e us ? Assume that any day Nifty or market as a whole gets locked into lower circuit of 20% for the day, How would it affect you as a broker & whether any chances of going bankrupt or default is there in this case ? if not , explain how ?
How safe is my money lying idle in Zerodha Account ? Is it used to fund you as a broker with clearing corporation ? Can we get any interest on money lying idle with Zerodha ?
How safe are my investments in terms of shares and securities bought with Zerodha Demat A/c ? Take a hypothetical case of Zerodha going bankrupt, in this case are my shares lying in Demat with you as a DP still safe with CDSL ??
Kindly give solutions / clarifications to my concerns , it will help me with my future business decision.