Which are the top 5 books one should read to become a better trader?

  1. How to Make Money Trading with Charts- Ashwani Gujral

  2. The Complete Guide to Day Trading- Markus Heitkoetter

  3. Swing Trading- Marc Rivalland

4.Trading with Candlestick Charts- Clive Lambert

5.High Performance Trading- Steve Ward

6.Profit in the Futures Markets- Jake Bernstein

7.How to Profit from Technical Analysis- Rajiv Khatlawala

8.Traders Guide to Financial Markets and Technical - Jitender Yadav

A ll the above books are available at Vision Books,New Delhi ( www.visionbooksindia.com)


Books give you inspiration. You also need a solid strategy to win in trading.

For truely 2D & 3D integrated trading techniques feel free to download 100% free professional intraday trading strategies here : http://intradaytradingsecrets.blogspot.in/

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Van K.Tharp - Super Trader - Make Consistent Profits in Good and Bad Markets / fiancial freedom


Al Brooks - Trading Price Action (TRADING RANGES)

Alan Farley - The Master Swing Trader

Mark douglas : Disciplined trader

The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

J.L.Lord - One Strategy for all Markets

Jack D schwager(market wizards series)

Elder Alexander(trading 4 living,trading room,entry-exit)



I saw Random Walk Trading Website is offering a lot of good books, from beginner to Advanced:

They have the following but not limited to:

One Strategy for All Markets

Time Spreads

Option Greeks for Profit

Options Platinum

Options Basics for Beginners

and others

I purchased a bundle and a discount was given.

Here is their website: 



They even offer seminars and online courses I guess..


Can someone take initiative and keep all the available ebooks at one place somewhere on the cloud storage? so that anyone can download it anytime from there or to share it to anyone.

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1. Market Wizards Series- Jack D. Schwager

This is an excellent series of books where Jack Schwager has described his one on one interaction with some of the top traders and hedge fund managers. This should be the first book you should read while entering the stock market. It would not teach you any trading strategies in depth but you’ll learn the real life experiences of people who practically rule the stock markets. The first and original book of this series is named as ‘Market Wizards‘. After this, there were three follow-up books namely ‘The New Market Wizards‘, ‘Stock Market Wizards‘ and ‘Hedge Fund Market Wizards‘.

2) Trading in the Zone- Mark Douglas

This is another interesting read which uncovers the physiological aspects of trading. It will help you to become a disciplined trader and manage your money effectively. The focus of this book is more on preserving capital rather than making it, and this is what makes it a unique read. You will find tons of testimonials all over internet where people claim that they became better traders after reading this gem from Mark Douglas.

Best Trading Books

3) Technical Analysis Explained- Martin J Pring

This book is the bible for Technical analysis. If you are new to Technical analysis, or you are not convinced that technical analysis ever works, then this is for you. Martin explains everything from the very scratch which would be very beneficial for beginners. You will find basics of charting, pattern analysis, price action trading, advanced technical indicators and some of the proprietary trading systems in this book. Never miss to read this if you aspire to become a serious trader.

4) How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market- Nicolas Darvas

This book portrays the real life story of Nicolas Darvas. It describes how a professional dancer turned into trader and made a fortune with a small initial investment. This book is very inspiring for people even from non-trading world. Nicolas has very convincingly explained every trade he executed to make 2 million dollars from stock market. This book is so addictive that you may even finish it in one sitting. Also, if you have heard about the famous ‘Darvas box’ in technical analysis, you would get to know from this book that how it was actually devised.

5) Beyond Technical Analysis- Tushar S. Chande

This is my personal favourite book. It is a comprehensive end to end guide for Trading system development. As the name suggests, if this book is focussed on many things beyond classical technical analysis. Risk management is one of those things. It has examples and in-depth analysis of various trading systems with backtest reports. However, you need to be an intermediate or adavanced level trader to understand few chapters of this book. It is  not recommended for beginners. Tushar Chande is the contributing editor to Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine, he has been a registered Commodity Trading Advisor and is the principal author of The New Technical Trader.

Reference: http://tradingtuitions.com/5-books-every-trader-should-read/


Though I read many books the below are my favorites 1.The intelligence investor (For long term investor) 2.Market Wizard(Story about successful traders) 3.Fooled by randomness 4.Black swan(For option traders) 5.Technical analysis explained by pring(For technical analyst)



There are many good trading & investing books written by legends which has not only changed the way we see this business but also has put in force a way to learn a living from trading & independent.

Learnt a lot from some of the best ones: -

Market Wizards - Stories and insights from the real traders

Reminiscences of the Stock Operator - What a Read.... Story of Jesse Livermore detailing all he learnt and implemented to make millions from market.  Written in early 1900`s and still one amongst the best ones...

A big list of some of the best ones can be found here.

List of Recommended Trading & Investing Books - Written or Recommended by Legends

Happy Trading


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any one master here can provide here second hand book

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Open a trading account and start trading to check if you are are really interested in trading.
Book I like: The New Market Wizards’ Market Wiz(ar)dom part (page 461).

5 Stars for recommending FLOW.

I have to read thinking fast and slow… seems very very interesting.

add candlestick chart pattern by steve nison

Thanks for everyone who put up the book list here.Previously I was an impulsive trader trading w/o strategy and with emotions.After reading through the books a couple of times, there is a significant change in my mindset and the trades are hitting the profits consistently though I am trading with lower amounts right now.

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Before learning Foreign Books, I will suggest to start with Indian Author.
The Benefit of Indian Author will give you clear insight of Indian Economy as well as sectors.

Will Suggest these books to learn Indian Stock market.

  1. Everything You Wanted to Know about Stock market Investing By CNBC TV18
  2. Stock Picking Simplified By Aditya Shroff
  3. Fundamental Analysis for Investor By Raghu Palat
  4. Value Investing and Behavioral Finance By Parag Parikh
  5. How to Profit From Mega Return Stocks By Tejaswy Nandury
  6. ArmChair Investing: Making Money in Stocks Simplified By Aditya Shroff

Best Books to learn Stock Market before Starting Investment

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suggest me some book(available on internet) about technical analysis and fundamental analysis specially for intraday trending .:smiley:

Some good Indian Author Books on Stock Market, Finance and Investing published by Buzzingstock Publishing House in English, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati language are mentioned below -

  1. Guide to Indian Stock Market (Author - Jitendra Gala)
  2. Guide to Indian Mutual Funds (Author - Ankit Gala & Jitendra Gala)
  3. Guide to Intraday Trading (Author - Ankit Gala & Jitendra Gala)
  4. Guide to Futures & Options (Author - Ankit Gala & Jitendra Gala)
  5. A Simplified Approach to Option Strategies (Author - Ankit Gala & Jitendra Gala)
  6. 31 Stock Market Trading Tips (Author - Ravi Patel)
  7. Guide to Technical Analysis & Candlesticks (Author - Ravi Patel)
  8. Guide to Indian Commodity Market (Author - Ankit Gala & Jitendra Gala)
  9. Foreign Exchange & Forex Trading (Author - Ankit Gala & Jitendra Gala)
  10. Investing & Trading in Gold & Silver (Author - Ankit Gala & Jitendra Gala)
  11. Investment Planning (Author - Ankit Gala & Khushboo Gala)
  12. Swing Trading With Technical Analysis (Author - Ravi Patel)
  13. Everything About IPO’s (Author - Ankit Gala & Jitendra Gala)

Available on Amazon.in // Flipkart

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For Indian author books in English, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati read books of Buzzingstock Publishing House.

I have personally read a few…

Liked Guide to Technical Analysis & Candlesticks by Ravi Patel.

If you are a new comer you should read zerodha varsity.

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