Which is the best source for options historical data

I need to get eod options ohlc data for stocks and nifty. Contacted truedata and they say they are barred from selling it to individuals. Is there any way where I can get ohlc data easily. I am aware of the availability of this data on nseindia but it is literally impossible to collect data for longer periods and different strikes for multiple stocks.

Found this awesome library to get data from the NSE website in a much more efficient manner:

More like they can’t make enough money selling it to individuals who may or may not dump it all on GH for free :joy_cat:

checkout https://eodieod.com/

No. I think it is the restriction imposed by SEBI/NSE. I contacted another LGSE or some such thing who also called and said it is available only to companies and it is also prohibitively expensive. Looks like thre is no method except keying in all the details for every contract and strike price. Stupid but can’t do anything

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No such restriction because ICICI Breeze API provides per-minute OHLC/V/OI data free for Nifty and BankNifty (last 10 years available). Anyone could collect this data which is public information and not copyrightable and publish it. These data providers make a living by gatekeeping non-copyrightable public info, so naturally they don’t want to let it fall into the “wrong” hands.

What do they gain if they are not selling it? And what is the guarantee that a company will not make it publicly available. I do not know why nseindia made it so difficult to get the historical eod data though i understand it may cost them a lot if it allows tick data or 1 minute data. May be they do not want retail traders to have access to information that enables them to make informed decisions.

Thank you but I am not having the IT expertise to use these things. If it is simple and you have time, please mention how i can use it to get the data.

It has a CLI interface, no need for coding. If you’re new to running CLI or Python apps, get started by watching some Youtube videos or reading up on the subject, you should be up and running in a few days :slightly_smiling_face:

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upstox has FREE API for OHLC historical data.

API Historical Candle Data | Upstox Developer API

Examples - Historical Candle Data | Upstox Developer API

Sample - https://api.upstox.com/v2/historical-candle/NSE_EQ|INE848E01016/day/2023-11-19/2023-11-12