While connecting from Amibroker Qty Always takes 100 instead of "1"

I tried to use the following code to send signal… But, it is always sending 100 as Qty to zerodha instead of “1” which I mentioned. What is the error in the below code.

brd = CreateStaticObject(“pibridge.Bridge”);
brd.PlaceOrder (“MCX”, “CRUDEOIL15JULFUT”,“CRUDEOIL15JULFUT”,“MyAFL”, 1,“1”,0, 0, 0, “MKT”, “MIS”,“RR2570”,“DAY”);

Always I am getting 100 quantity in zerod alerts.

Specify your condition in brief, the above code have errors and for Qty you can reset your parameters , it will be fixed

the above afl has errors…

I am using hardcoded quantity in
brd.PlaceOrder (which used to connect with Zerodha). Still it shows 100 in Zerodha…
May I know the reason? Do I need to change anything Amibroker information?

Even the below line sending 100 only where I mentioned “1” as quantity.
brd.PlaceOrder (“MCX”, “CRUDEOIL15JULFUT”,“CRUDEOIL15JULFUT”,“MyAFL”, 1,“1”,0, CoverP, 0, “MKT”, “MIS”,“MyClientId”,“DAY”);