No clue about the Best/ Famous Traders in India. Certainly, not the ones who give recommendations on TV. Trading is simple, but not easy. Trading is actually more of emotions, Greed and Fear than anything else. Again, it is not the strategy that matters the most, it is more of what one does around the strategy that actually counts. Trading style of one trader may not suit the other. Because each individual is unique, and each of us have different social, economic, cultural backgrounds. Still, one can adopt the following points:
Find a style that suits you, mechanise your trades rather than bringing in Emotional factor. Define tight Stop Losses and Money Management/ Position Sizing. Do not involve emotionally in trading, which expalains the growing demand for automated trading.
Be disciplined. Do not alter from your successful, pre-planned trading style. Be in a positive frame of mind.
Backtest your strategies/ style for at least a year’s data.
Do away from the company of loss making traders.
Spend money on learning basics rather than on tips-services. Knowledge is wealth [certainly you are wealthier, once you get the knack of trading]. Remember, with each loss making trade you learn something!.
Do not be all over the place. I mean, pick two or three scrips/ counters which suit your style and start making note of the price behaviour of those scrips w.r.t. various parameters.
There should be no hesitation to exit, when you took a wrong trade. It is more about preserving ‘Trading Capital’ than making money.
Own up the mistakes: Be the first one to point out faults in your loss making trade and never blame others for mistakes you have done.
Use of Indicators in TA: There is no ‘magical indicator’ available, as most of them are lagging indicators. Too many indicators spoil the beauty of trading. Either you will be too hesitant in taking a trade or you may end up taking a wrong trade.