I trade today in Cairn India, at time 1.15.49 I saw my stop loss order get executed at 121.40 but when i checked chart I realize, that time low is 121.45. I want to know why my order get executed when stock didn't touch that price?
P.S. Trade from other broker's platform not zerodha
Thanks Maverick…but question remains that we trade from chart and use stop loss below support that support level never breaks on chart but our stop loss gets hit…wow
Hi DayTrader007,
Thats why they say that anything can happen in the markets. You are talking about a difference of 0.05 (“my stop loss order get executed at 121.40 but when i checked chart I realize, that time low is 121.45”), once (01-01-2016) i had put a SL-M order in Tatamotors at 392, a bulk buy order of 1,60,000 shares was executed by someone in nse and my sl was hit at around 375, no sign of this trade on any charts. These are the risks of trading in the market, these things happen once in a while but they do happen.
Hi Murtaza,
I had mentioned that i had put in a SL-M order (Stoploss Market Order) that is why my order got executed at any price once my trigger price of 392 was hit. SL-M orders get executed 100% of the time, that’s why i was using SL-M order to get out of my trades. Now, I have stopped using SL-M orders and only use SL orders by giving a good enough range between trigger price and price. Although SL order doesn’t guarantee that my order will be executed 100% but at least I won’t be getting such a horrible fill as in the above case.
Hi Maverick,
I just had an issue today where my normal stop loss got triggered and hit and price was nowhere to be seen on the chart. I am guessing the only way around this is to keep a price alert .1 or .2% away from your preferred entry price, which would be 5 or 10 points on the Nifty, and only enter stop loss when the price alert is hit.
Hi Murtaza,
There is no way to avoid this thing happening. Even if you put a price alert and after the alert has been trigerred you put SL, what if again your SL is hit but not shown on the charts. Its not that your SL has not been hit, its just that the charts are not showing it because the charts don’t represent all the small tick data that happens every minisecond on the exchange. You can check if your trade has actually been executed on NSE website. However, this thing will happen only once in a while, maybe once in 100 trades, and we have to take it as part of the risks of trading, else we won’t be able to trade at all. For detailed explanation please check the link i have provided in my first answer.
I agree, but it is the best way to minimize your loss. Having a stop hit 5 points away from the current price is much more bearable than having a stop hit 15 or 20 points away from the current price.
This godforsaken thing keeps on happening with me. My target order never executes even when the price touches that level for a split second, but the SL orders get hit from nowhere. Even on a 1 min chart and even on the price data, the value of the share never touched that at all. But as though magically my order disappears and it shows that the SL got triggered.
Today the price of Tata Motors towards market closing was never touching even 165.35. It barely kept touching 164.4 and I placed a bulk order with sell at 164.4 and target as 164.3. SL was to be 164.6. It barely executed 164.5, never even showed a price higher than that for even a split second, but I did see it flash 164.55, and it even went to my target price immediately and stayed there (164.3). But what do I see in the orders executed, my STOP LOSS has been hit at 164.6!!
Tata Motors is volatile stock and charts don’t catch and show us all the ticks, I’ve seen it happen tons of times in volatile scrips (here it’s only 1 tick, observe stocks like Aurobindo Pharma, Airtel, Infratel difference is sometimes 10 to 15 ticks) and we as retail traders can’t do anything about it.