More the facilities, more the complex GUI will be!
Coin has no STP/SWP, SIP from Bank, mobile app, CAGR or XIRR
It can’t get clean & simpler than this.
Also if you have some problem in understanding you can ask.
Also read this
STP in COIN, I think there are some difficulties in implementing, such as
From an investor perspective, STP may be costly in COIN, since all the Mutual fund units are stored in the DMAT format, for every withdrawal (transfer from one fund to the other), there will be redemption charges of Rs. 5.5 (DP charges), we cannot eliminate.
Caution : Even if they implement STP or SWP, we have to think twice before putting the order, since if assume 5 STP’s to 5 different funds per Month means = 5 X…