Making money through markets appears to be a simple concept. Often, individuals who trade or invest believe they are doing something that is improving them, keeping them engaged and active, a kind of fun, but the easiest part is to start trading and the most essential part is the focus, consistent profit, and final question is do you make a good living?
I was talking with a friend last weekend about how well his trading is going. He reasoned that if I had this much trading capital, I could accomplish a lot. Another guy who has recently begun investing has pooled all his funds in equities with little diversification.
The noise and sad fact about the success rate tweet from Nithin Kamath, " Just 1% of active traders make more than a bank FD over a three-year period."
Today, when discussing this with the same people and, most likely, while reading this, I realized trading is a rather difficult game. Most people I know enter the market thinking short term, and greed kills them by losing money, risking money, and the least risky is making fewer returns than FD.
A few realizations are that having many sources of money, or at least a primary source of income, gives you the gut, removes worry, and mostly helps you stay in the game and pay your expenses.
We all know that while it is impossible to time the market, it is possible to predict the market side. Having the same perspective, how can someone claim or guarantee to create X amount in a month or X returns.
Trading full-time or deciding to quit your career and become a full-time trader is a long shot. Recent events, along with the rush of fresh IPOs, make trading look lovely, easy, and tempting.
It’s gone into deep pondering and many thoughts. Share your opinions on when you believe it’s the correct time one should stop and admit things aren’t working out.