Will spread orders have MIS benefit

Suppose I want to enter into a Option spread of 8900 CE. I will place a spread order to short 8900 April CE @ 60 and bought 8900 May CE @ 140. Margin requirement as NRML is around 44500. Can I enter the same position for intraday as order as MIS type with 17800 ( 40 % of 44500)

What is MIS? I think this is a broker specific query and you should ask your broker.

Typically Spread orders will give you the benefit of being charged lower margins. For eg: Calendar spreads normally charge only one sided margin.

Yes.You will get margin benefit in this case the margin requirement 1 Lot Nifty option writing approximately Rs.7400(i.e.,1850040%) as per the day required by exchange however you have to pay premium for buying options Rs.3500(14025) so here you need to maintain funds Rs.10900/-

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