With tensions rising in the Middle East, all eyes are on the potential impact on crude oil prices. Here’s a look at the world’s largest oil producers and consumers.
IIUC, all crude oil is NOT equal.
- in terms of refining it into useful products.
- in terms of carbon emissions.
Hence, some of the “producer” countries export their production and import a different crude oil.
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Can you share source of this data? US oil production of 21.91 mbpd looks extremely high.
Just last month US EIA had this article where in they stated US reached record production of 13.3 mbpd in Dec 2023
United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
So US production pf 21.91 mbpd looks unrealistic. Some context seems to be missing. Appreciate if you share source of the data.
Source: https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=709&t=6
This data includes crude oil, all other petroleum liquids, and biofuels.
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