You can't trade USDINR on Zerodha!

This is madness , Now You can’t practically trade USDINR in Zerodha!!

50 Lots is peanuts!!

Maximum position currently allowed on USDINR (across contracts and exchanges) is 50 lots due to Exchange open interest restrictions. Current position quantity: 0 lots. Read more.

Please @Tradingqna Please resolve this ASAP!!

Hi @AlgoEye, the maximum quantity that can be bought or sold for USDINR F&O contracts is restricted due to member-level open interest limits. Explained in detail here: Why is there a restriction in placing new NRML orders in some currency contracts?

Btw, now there is no restriction for USDINR.

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Many thanks :blush:. I literally started searching to move my business to other brokers after seeing that restrictions. Phewww…

its better to switch to other broker with less number of clients. Again facing problem in placing order for USDINR in zerodha.

I think the problem still exists…you can’t trade more than 50 lots in USDINR

Hi @Rohit_Khanna1 @NKP_Baripada

We have to proactively manage the limits based on the OI in the market.

You can still trade in Close to money contracts using the MIS product type without any restrictions