Zerodha GTT usability improvements

@nithin @siva-reddy : I am a huge fan of GTT in Zerodha and Zerodha is the only broker allowing GTT (imo).
I love GTT functionality as it’s a boon for a weekend swing trader (cash) like me. But I have a number of #GTTusability suggestions which I trust your product managers will consider and prioritize. Some are just quirks - quite nagging but others some improvements. (Mostly for desktop version).

  1. From the holding/positions window, allow GTT sell and buy orders. Currently, buy (for adding more) is not allowed.
  2. Please show GTT order details (Buy and sell at % or value) in holding or positions window itself as an additional column or mouse-over info. It’s a pain keeping track of GTT orders for all holdings/portfolio.
  3. Please enable SL/Target for AMO orders as well please. why not sirs? We are fine if the targets move a bit as the fill value could be different.
  4. Is there a way to have a trailing SL/target kind of GTT orders?
    Some of the most painful ones) :
  5. When I invoke Create GTT, it forgets the quantity I have if I change the option. Why o why? Let it remember and I can change it if I want.
  6. (painful again) : Even for SL, it many times give me +ve % SL - it’s such a royal pain. Based on the transaction type (sell or buy), it should change from -Ve to +Ve trigger point %.
  7. (painful again) : Please pre-fill LTP or trigger price in the
    Limit price field.

We believe once a stock is in holding in most cases it is obvious one will place sell or sl order for existing holding hence default is oco sell, said that you can select single and go to buy from there itself, maybe you missed it, you can check once.

Can you please explain a bit more on this.

Let me check on possibility of allowing GTT for AMO.

No, trailing orders comes under algo hence not allowed for retail users.

Ideal way is to select what option you want and then change quantity.

It is already like that right, sl will change based on buy/sell automatically for FO, in equity there is only SL in sell OCO.

I think LTP won’t make any sense but on first attempt we do show same trigger and limit, are you asking when ever one changes trigger the same should be automatically reflect in limit?

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>>We believe once a stock is in holding in most cases it is obvious one will place sell or sl order for existing holding hence default is oco sell, said that you can select single and go to buy from there itself, maybe you missed it, you can check once.

Looks like I missed it. Thanks :handshake:

“Can you please explain a bit more on this.”
In Holidings/position window, please add an indicator of whether it has a GTT order or not along with mouse-over SL/Target details. You have it enabled for ‘orders’ page.

Pl see this image - it shows GTT and mouse-over shows SL/target.

“When I invoke Create GTT, it forgets the quantity I have if I change the option. Why o why? Let it remember and I can change it if I want.
→ Ideal way is to select what option you want and then change quantity.”

See in the first screen it remembers the quantity and then if I change to the single order (second pic), it forgets the quantity and never gets it back :frowning:

“I think LTP won’t make any sense but on the first attempt, we do show same trigger and limit, are you asking whenever one changes trigger the same should be automatically reflected in limit?”

Yes - why erase. Look at the previous picture -the rightmost price field is null :frowning: (not referring to trigger price).

See the screen below - I have chosen Sell Single, but it still shows me =5% as pre-filled value. Shouldn’t this be negative? And ideally, the moment I change the value or %, the trigger point adjusts (of course I can change it).

Hope it helps,
thanks for the prompt reply though :slight_smile:

@siva-reddy ^^^

Yeah this is good to have, not as separate column but some symbol indicating if GTT is there or not, will check on the possibility, as of now if one open order window it will say if GTT is there or not on that particular scrip.

If you invoke from holding it is expected to place sl and target so in that case it shows quanity for both but if you change to single sell it goes default to 1 as this page can’t remember previous fields.

No, that is just a trigger, it can be target also not necessarily a stop loss so this is correct.

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Siva - Are you going to revisit this topic? My life depends on GTTs and saving of even a single click can save a huge deal of time and frustration. I have enumerated all the points. Additional points:

  1. Typically traders want to add their SL with GTT right after or the next day of the purchase of equity. Can you consider T1 quantity as well as for pre-filling the GTT form? Also, when I change from Sell to buy or vice-versa, please please don’t forget the quantity - please pre-fill what I am holding (T1 or otherwise). And I can’t move the pop up window, how many times I have closed the window and opened it again just to see the quantity. Gosh :frowning:
  2. GTT indicator will be a huge advantage – in the holding screen itself. along with SL and Target values.