Zerodha Kite - Need Support for Customization of 'Holdings' Tab

Hi @HG1001, on Kite web, you can see the current value of holdings. On the app, you can check the current value by clicking on the scrip, or on Console to check for all stocks at once by clicking the “Analytics” button.

Hi. Thanks for the reply. I Just realized that my original query was wrong. Sorry about that. I meant to ask for the Total Cost value for each scrip. Right now you have to do some mental maths on the Holdings tabs. Is there a way to have a column for it it on the Holdings tabs?


Adding scripwise charges is on our list of things to do.

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Recently got a Zerodha mail about extremely low adoption of tagging feature on Console. Anyways it is obvious abt. the lukewarm response.

Actually the tagging is not required in the order window… as the outcome reflects elsewhere… in console.
While placing the order, focus is more on price, quantity order settings, transaction costs etc. Nobody is inclined to spend time tag it appropriately.

Tagging feature is needed ‘outside the order window’. ie. while viewing the Kite web Holdings tab. Basically separate Tag-wise P&L tab cards. That way one can see know P&L for Largecaps, midcaps, smallcaps etc. And of course overall P&L.

Similar feature also required on Coin-web.

That was the original intention of starting this thread (refer first post of this thread). But it was diluted and pushed to console for whatever reason.

I would suggest to revisit this topic and consider bringing the functionality in Kite web (and Kite App) where the main focus of user lies.



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