Zerodha's BSE Feed is delayed

I notice slight delay of at least .5 Sec (500 ms) in BSE Option feed of Zerodha. Sometimes, this delay widens to 1 second.
This isn’t a problem for an investor or swing trader but it is surely a problem for a scalper and momentum traders.
I have compared Zerodha’s BSE feed to other brokers and in all cases it is delayed.
In the video, you can clearly see that Dhan is updating price fater than Zerodha. (See video till end)
It causes slippage because we punch order based on 500 ms or 1 second delayed prices. It’s a very serious problem for a momentum trader or scalper. In that 500 ms, prices can move either way.
I can’t understand why a large broker like Zerodha is not doing anything on this. It’s the most basic thing not an advanced feature.
I request Zerodha, please do something in this matter. Improve your BSE feed updation otherwise you are going to lose many serious traders.

Check video :

I found it difficult to differentiate if there is any delay in that video, with naked eye, said that will check this tomorrow in live markets.

Not difficult, it can easily be seen that Zerodha’s prices are following Dhan’s prices.
Please check tomorrow (or after tomorrow), because tomorrow may be volatile and movement may be fast so less noticeable.
Please check 2-3 days and compare with Dhan or other brokers.
Also, you can watch above video in low speed (.5x) to find the delay.
Siva Sir, please do necessary changes and make BSE feed faster, it is hampering our profits. Thanks.

slightly delay (milliseconds).


As mentioned earlier we will check this week and update.

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@siva Sir, please check this video of today’s feed.
Zerodha is heavily delayed (close to 1 second)
This is very frustrating, not happy!
Please improve this.

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@nithin Sir, please do something on this.
This is not expected from Zerodha.

As mentioned we will check on this and rectify.

Please do it ASAP, it is reducing profitability.
It is very difficult to scalp on delayed prices.