3 more months.
Sir, Already four weeks passed…
“I think you should published post that don’t expect any thing from us… we do not giving any timeline. we will provide feature as we wanted and when we think…”
Genuine question: Can’t you go for a Kite revamp fully? Like, starting to work on a Kite 4.0 which will set another benchmark for the next 10 years? In the most honest sense, I am telling you, I actively trade on 3 platforms, Kite, Dhan and AngelOne and I can say for sure that this is a museum version of its former self of 2016.
Zerodha has all the resources to do it and yet I still wonder why are you still playing catch-up. @siva
I know, all the unlimited watchlists and colour coding and TFC is being worked upon, but the usability will still remain low for equity traders like me.
I think the reason is, zerodha has more serious trader (you can see from their revenue and profit) and those trader doesn’t care about fancy ui or fancy feature. for them Changing ui many times doesn’t make sense and could hamper their buildup muscle memory
For me TFC and newwatchlist are the only major feature which are missing from zerodha, other features which you see on some broker are only to attract clients and many of those are not even used frequently(aleast for me)
Then why does Apple change its OS iterations over the years? I don’t know what you even mean by serious traders, I don’t think people come to the market to give away money. The intent is always to make money.
I have been trading for the last 12 years, and when Zerodha launched Kite everybody said the same thing that “serious traders” use NEST terminal.
I am using Dhan for the last 3+ years and I can tell you Kite is heading towards not so rosy future. Since, I run multiple strategies, therefore besides using Dhan, I have to use Kite too.
The only thing constant in life is change. @Jhonydsuza Not a valid excuse to provide outdated tech.
@thisisbanerjee couple of things -
While you are free to keep championing the features that you wish for,
it gets tiresome to see the same snarky posts again and again on multiple threads in the forum. -
If a feature/use-case is NOT addressed to your satisfaction even after several months/years, i hope it is apparent by now that the general direction and priorities of the product do not align with the features/use-cases that you are focused on.
Have you considered that maybe you are not the target-audience of the product?
(a few similar threads from the recent past - [1] [2] )
…and alienate and burden the vast majority of existing users
that are happy with and depend on the existing status-quo?
(i.e. the current UI, compatibility, current level of reliability, current speed of execution, current charges, …)
No thank you.
I completely agree. I prefer platforms that are simple, minimalist, and reliable. I don’t like frequent changes to the user interface or new feature updates every week. While I understand that certain features can make tasks easier, if the platform is reliable, simple, and meets my needs, I’m willing to adjust even if it lacks some desired features.
Another point is that I often see people frequently requesting new features or updates, comparing platforms, and claiming that other brokers offer better features. If they believe those brokers are superior, why not switch to them happily? The fact that they struggle to fully transition to those brokers shows that Zerodha offers something unique and valuable.
Not true. Zerodha is probably the most friendly and feedback oriented brokerage since its inception. Zerodha is a giant feedback gulping system, and all we need to do is constant nudging and keep providing our unique perspectives so that Kite continues evolving to changing market conditions over time.
I have provided many MTF related feedbacks, such as a seperate MTF filter in holding and that was promptly introduced. Thanks to Siva for the meticulous attention.
Make no mistake, Zerodha has a offering for everybody and it is for everybody. Ain’t that true? @siva
Zerodha recently moved the sandwich menu icon to the extreme right, and many users were comfortable with the old one but the newer one provides with more ease of use. Were you burdened by it? No! You adapted to it.
Zerodha will soon be going live with the new marketwatch. Will you be leaving Zerodha? No. You’ll adapt to it.
Please stop with these personal attacks that my feedbacks are snarky and you don’t like to see them on multiple threads. I just provide feedback based on my use-cases and the team has acknowledged that and also many of them is under development.
There is an option to IGNORE a user, kindly click on my profile and select IGNORE.
Please do not assume what others prefer.
For the sake of completeness,
if anyone from Zerodha is reading this,
please do NOT mistake a vocal minority for a majority opinion.
i should for my own sanity,
But, i am much invested in the TradingQnA forum
to easily let it devolve into a place with low-quality posts without much thought (in my opinion).
If it does, it does, but atleast i would have tried to stop that.
Basically, xkcd: Duty Calls
Basically, i disagree with several of your opinions. (and agree with some others).
I would prefer to continue to call out inconsistencies (in my opinion) whenever i see them.
PS: To be clear,
Please do continue to provide your valuable feedback.
However, i do hope any requests are justified without resorting to sarcasm, hyperbole, and logical fallacies,
while being mindful of other users who are quite happy with the offerings
and would prefer to avoid disruptions just for the sake of change.
PPS: Why don’t i say this to almost every other low-quality comment? Because most folks are not persistent. I don’t see much value in expending effort on folks who perform “drive-by” comments venting their frustrations. @thisisbanerjee Since, i see you continuing to engage on the forum, i wish for the “meat” in your comments, but not the “bones”. I hope you can oblige and make this forum a better place.
Good morning @cvs What if I am not as intelligent and knowledgeable like you? I am just trying to be better everyday. Sorry if that doesn’t meet your standards. Not everyone in this world is equal and values like empathy and tolerance are therefore needed.
I might not be even 10% as intellectual as you but that doesn’t mean I can’t express myself freely. Thank you for understanding.
P.S. - You said I am sarcastic, but NOT ONE of my post towards YOU have any sort of name-calling, like you are doing to me by calling me low-quality, snarky and what not.
Regardling inconsistencies, I also find many inconsistencies (in my opinion) in your comments, but do I chase and hound you down, like you are doing to me rn? NO.
( Potential off-topic discussion for this topic-thread. )
This (and the first couple of paragraphs of the previous post) is precisely the hyperbole and sarcasm that i wish to avoid seeing on this TradingQnA forum. Why? Because with such statements, there is no constructive way to discuss/debate the actual topic of interest.
If you are genuinely asserting this,
- then i hope you will oblige by listening to what others “more intelligent and knowledgeable” ask/tell you.
If this is hyperbole and sarcasm.
- then please try to avoid such patterns of communication,
as it prevents productive conversation. - instead try to justify your assertions
- and while doing so, try to avoid logical fallacies.
- then please try to avoid such patterns of communication,
You? No.
Specific parts of certain posts? Yes.
(i hope this is evident upon re-reading any of my previous comments)
There is no chasing or hounding going on.
I am subscribed to almost all categories on this forum,
and i have been reading every single topic-thread in all these categories.
(Nothing unique, i suspect there are many folks with a similar pattern of lurking on forums, reading significantly more than what they post)Here’s a snapshot of my profile. I hope that helps put my comments in the proper context
[ Source ] -
Also, in my comment history on this forum,
you will find questioning and criticism in an attempt to further the discussion. -
Finally, as i mentioned above, the reason i haven’t replied to other folks’ one-off low-quality posts because they are just venting their frustration and aren’t active members of the community.
i hope all this puts your mind at rest and you do not feel personally attacked anymore.
if/when you see them,
please do post well thought out rebuttals in the respective topic-thread.
That way -
- if they are genuine inconsistencies.
- the OP would learn a thing or two
- and folks reading the topic-thread will also appreciate the additional aspects being highlighted.
- if they are misunderstandings,
- the OP get to clarify where exactly something was misunderstood.
- and folks reading the topic-thread, will avoid making similar incorrect assumptions.
…and the point of having all these discussions publicly (and not in DMs)
is so that a bunch of folks who are interested
can chime-in whenever they see fit and share additional viewpoints.
(in reply to your potentially off-topic discussion)
Well @cvs I don’t care what your stats are and what you think about my feedbacks. It’s not for you, its for Team Zerodha. It is finally on them what they want to implement.
About your feelings on my posts, well I don’t care. I am not here to please you, I am not running an ice-cream shop here.
Dear Siva,
Any update on this ? Appreciate your update and the feature. Thank you in Advance.
If you mean trade from feature then it will take couple more months.
@siva Custom timeframes such as 188m are taking too long to load on web. It loads like a candle replay. I would love if the loading speed could be optimised.
Let me get this checked.