Arranging funds for trading

For your kind info
I always sell 30 days before
I never sell cheap weekly’s
I wind up my position in 15 day
Gamma risk arises when very less time to expiry
Per trade I only risk 5%
I challenge you beat the research of tastytrade

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I never judged you, I am asking you based on your previous comment, what makes you think that I do naked trading and I don’t manage my risk?

I have watched videos on tastytrade on my initial days, and got no reason to challenge them, ofcourse they are extremely good.

No more comments from my side in this thread unless someone actually answering the question related to actual topic I mentioned in title.

Most of the times, Zerodha rejects far OTM options, I need to trade with other brokers.
Anyway, no need of being expert in sensibull, you can BACKTEST my strategy & then paper trade for some days. Once you get confidence, you will be in profit for everyday ! BEST WISHES !!

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