Chart save layout in trading view 2.0 is missing

  1. trading view 2.0 version in kite web have chart layout save feature but the mobile version of trading view 2.0 does not have this it only has default layout.
    add this feature in both pc and mobile app so they can sync together.

'in the above picture save layout feature is missing only default layout is there but in kite web save layout is present.

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Already created another thread. Trading view beta Version chart issue

@Amey1 yes i just saw but there are no reply from zerodha , i dont know wether they are open for feedback or not because there community seems to be dead as no one is replying to any of the suggestions and post that i have made , nor they are providing any deadline.

@nithin i request you please add this feature as soon as possible as trading view 2.0 without this feature is useless

On TV v1, the save layout option was provided to save drawings for different scrips. On TV v2, users can just apply drawings and click “save as default layout”. Since we have a default layout feature now, it is not feasible to follow the previous method on the app.

On the web, it helps to save multiple charts as different layouts. so that the user does not have to load the scrips and indicators again.

If any use case is not possible in TV v2 compared to V1, please let me know so that we can help you with that.

Please tag either @ShubhS9 or @Meher_Smaran. You should receive a response without fail.

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@Arockiya_Raja @ShubhS9 @Meher_Smaran
in tv v1 i can save layout with name and can see what scrip i have saved and can also directly delete that particular layout which would not increase the cloud storage but in tv v2 default save i cannot see what i have saved and nor can i directly delete that

Hey @Jhonydsuza

Sorry if you felt like that. As @Amey1 replied to the conversation, we were hoping that you would refer to that thread as @Suny_Banerjee replied there. (He is from Zerodha)

Keep sharing your valuable feedback and suggestions. We will pass it to the concerned team and definitely revert back to you. :slight_smile:

Drawings for several scrips can be saved in a single layout, but since the layout only displays the name of the most recent scrp, it is not entirely helpful to remember the drawings that were applied to the scrp. Layouts on TV v1 were stored in local memory; removing them has no effect on cloud storage. In TV v2, the cloud only stores the default layout. This is a new feature that helps save default theme/settings, etc., and sync drawing across devices.

@Arockiya_Raja but if possible add a feature wjere i can delete all the drawings at once just like of i delete a complete layout

We will certainly investigate the possibilities.

my saved layout and settings are vanished for no reason.
may i know where this layout is saved so i will keep a backup copy to replace when it vanish again.

Saved in browser local memory, it is not possible to save a a backup copy and then restore it.