Zerodha just launched the equity NAV curve feature. It basically treats your account value curve as a mutual fund and gives a similar curve. Mutual funds start at 10 NAV. Zerodha has chosen all its users to start at 1000 NAV. (10 or 1000 doesn’t make any difference)
For example if your account had 10L and you withdrew 5L, the usual curve would fall by half. But new curve won’t fall by half. It would lose half the units(like mutual funds) but the curve would move only by as much percent as it should move due to your trading/investment activity on the remaining 5L. So no big ups and down.
This also means that if you add and withdraw money throughout the year, earlier it was quite hard to calculate the ROI because capital fluctuated so much. But now you can just compare your NAV between two dates and that is the ROI.
Go to zerodha dashboard. Click on down arrow next to ‘Equity Value Curve’ and change it to Portfolio Performance Beta and you will get the new curve. It’s live for everyone.
Currently, NAV curve will reset if the account value goes below 1000 and starts again when a/c value goes above 1000 (something we’re checking how to handle better). If it’s not the case, please DM your ticket number or client id, we’ll check.
Hahaha. You wouldn’t say it if you had even opened the image I posted.
I took 4 years to go from 1k to 4k NAV and my NAV came down to 1k in just one day? It has happened with all my accounts.
It’s just pathetic that we need to raise individual requests to fix this. Like if you were raising this issue the very next day, then I could understand that they might be in the process of fixing it.
But it’s been 3 weeks and they’re not bothered about it at all. They probably don’t even know that many users faced this issue and only those who raise specific tickets will probably be fixed. Really not a good state of affairs.
Such things should be flagged by system automatically and should be reviewed and fixed within a few days automatically. @TheGouda@Ruchi_Porwal