Everything fails. Did it happen to you?

if that was true , then every human/fund would do it. Everyone would make money in markets forever consistently.

No one would invest.

i never said consistently. you cannot use that word consistently as a trader or investor. That is a very wrong expectation to have when you come to stock markets.

All i m saying is if a small cap unleveraged fund can generate more returns than leveraged fund , you should invest. Most people or should i say traders use leverage and if they are using leverage , their returns ought to better , no? otherwise whats the point of trading.

Ofcourse if you can generate consistent returns with or without leverage, more power to you.

Just the answer I was thinking.

If I am not wrong, with that he means being in profit at the end of day and following the rules he made for himself for trading. No matter how much he makes.

you are wrong. thats not what he meant.

I dont know , thats up to the trader.

I never said or made a blanket statement like that. if its achievable for you , great.

who is β€œwe”?.

Anycase, i think this is going off topic now. This is OP thread. we are digressing. we should take this discussion on chat or some place else.

Guess that says it all.


That happens to 80% of the forums.

BTW i myself make anywhere from 100-150% consistently YOY.

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All the best :slight_smile:
More power to you.

I would take a break from trading in your place.
It makes no sense to go further if it does not work out yet. It is better to leave Forex, live a real life, and then start trading.
You can try to trade on a demo account.
I use daily limits on transactions and money. If I exceed my daily budget, then I stop playing. This is my tactic; it has never failed me.

Yes sometimes bad luck and that is really good to make you wonder all of this, do you really want to see how it’s going on there ? You really need to have some thick skin for all that matters here to make it all possible. Do we make wonders here ?