Reading this post (and your previous comments on this topic),
to me it feels like -
You may have experienced that the majority of the user-base
is NOT mature enough to understand
the difference between a roadmap and a contract.
If that is indeed how you feel about maintaining a public roadmap,
looking at the comments and tone of the requests on this forum.
i tend to agree with the above assessment.
I firmly believe this is NOT an insurmountable challenge.
But, maybe not something you wish to pick-up
while fighting a dozen other battles.
i.e. creating a publicly-accessible, informative, intuitive roadmap
is probably way down the line on your current roadmap.
FWIW, i firmly believe that a roadmap is NOT a static time-table.
It is NOT a promise to deliver something no matter what happens.
Everything on the roadmap is “subject to change”.
Rather, a roadmap is an indication of the current, relative priorities / focus
that will help interested users to plan/adapt their usage of the app / platform
by knowing where it is headed in the near future.
Based on some of the discussions on this forum,
i am confident a good number of the users understand this already.
I think you will agree that an interactive roadmap can function as an excellent way to
- pitch new ideas to the users,
- receive feedback (comments, upvotes) on the proposals,
- and measure the general interest / expected usage of any planned changes / features
- to help prioritize and plan resourcing the development and operation/maintenance.
How about we open-up such a roadmap to limited users (at first) ?
Users who have demonstrated maturity and good behavior on the platform.