hey there community ., my question why the oco type in gtt is only available in sell order , and if i want to buy a fresh share and i apply the sell-oco order will it add the shares at trigger prices. like the name is sell-oco , so i am a bit confused here.
Hi my question is say we select sl as 10 percent, if that amount comes to be non 5 ending or 0 ending will the order still get placed.
I mean say at 10 percent sl, the sl level comes as 90.37, the exchange has 90.35 and 90.40 as price points, so will it get converted to near 5/0 ending price or will it get rejected saying as price not ending in 5/0 as rejection reason.
@Nithin in today’s context with freak trades happening how should we place buy and sell orders to get sl-limit effect in order filling in GTT orders.
Hi is the sl generated on trigger of GTT a limit type or sl limit type, cause limit time sl might fail to fill up completely.
GTT uses limit order only, ie. one the GTT is triggered, a limit order is placed, which will execute at the price specified or a better price. You can also use GTT like a market order by keeping some difference in trigger and limit price.
For eg. you place sell GTT order with trigger price at 100 and limit price at 95, once triggered, your order will execute at best available price in the market but not beyond 95. You can check out this support article for more.
Shubh sir, who will now wanna make it market type on execution with all the freak trades happening. Please give some sl-limit type option in target and sl in GTT. Please understand our problem sir.
Anshuman, as explained above GTT is like SL-Limit order only, with trigger and price. Once GTT is triggered, limit order is placed, this will only execute at price specified by you or better price. Until then the order will remain pending. So you don’t have to worry about anything
Shubh sir if sl is set as lower than trigger in Buy, than that mean it will buy at any price above it, and that is the only way to ensure order getting filled completely in GTT type. I am saying this increases risk multifold as with freak trades it can get filled at extreme heights. To prevent that sl limit option will help in GTT.
Is there a plan to enable GTT on currency derivatives?
Hi @nithin
What if Both Target GTT Trigerred and before the Target limit price executed… If it Comes to SL and will the GTT Triggers again for SL?
how many seconds it will take once SL or Target price trigerred…to keep the limit price
what is the update for Absolute values in Buy order…Is it still in progress from march 2020?
HI @nithin
Why for Intraday MIS index options or stock options BO orders disabled…What is the risk in giving SL-Limit and Target-Limit order for closing exisiting position
if the positions not squared off by EOD…isnt Zerodha will square off these positions?
This is on our list of things to do. Will keep you posted.
In GTT OCO (One Cancels Other) order, if either of your Target or Stoploss is hit, the other trigger immediately becomes inactive.
You can set absolute values from the GTT order form. Explained above:
The reason for stopping Bracket Orders has been explained in detail here.
Btw, after SEBIs peak margin norms came into effect, now there is no extra leverage for using MIS in F&O and margin requirement for MIS as well as NRML is same. So you can use GTT OCO order to place Stoploss and Target.
Chart prices doesn’t reflect all the ticks from the exchange. Stock brokers get 1 sec snapshot data from exchange. Its not tick by tick data.
Ok. Sorry about that. I thought the candle price shown on chart was different from what it should have been. What was the limit price you set while placing the OCO ?
SL GTT was triggered and the Limit order was placed for 441.55 only (you may refer to the order book) when the order went for execution best bid price seemed to be a better price than the limit price, because of that the order was executed at 446.10. This option contract is down by 80% today, a 1% stop loss/target on this type of volatile contract will hit immediately and the price execution may differ from the limit price. Since the sell limit price is 441.55/-, the order will not execute below 441.55/-, if the best bid is available compared to the limit price, the sell order will be executed for the best bid price. This can happen with BO as well.
OCO GTT will place a limit order where the stop-loss is market on bracket order. You may check this thread to know the behavior of BO in a volatile market.
Thank you for the reply
Can i combine only Stop loss 1% while placing buy
and create GTT for sell single for target?
You can do that. one execution will not cancel another GTT, you may have to cancel them manually if you do not want to create a new position.
Why 2 Sell Limit orders are not allowed one for SL and one for Target for Options… When the same allowed for futures
if one trigger is executed, the other one can be automatically cancelled like (OCO)
Please dont say volatility or margin money collected for futures.
Ex: Same can be implemented for atleast intraday MIS index options…when the target limit order is hit and due to sudden volatility if it reaches near SL…if in traders account amount is available sell order will be trigerred otherwise it will be rejected.