How does the latest SEBI circular about margin requirements affect me?

Till 3.30 you can check on kite itself, span increasing after 3.30 is rare case so better to maintain 10% buffer always than required margin.

Okay. I would suggest if there is a span increase then update in kite and send notifications to clients so that they can add money and avoid this penalty.

I have 50k ,how much can I use for option

If you are new to Options trading I suggest you to learn Option Basics on Varsity

With 50k you can by couple of lots of Nifty or Bank Nifty options but that won’t be enough to take short position. You can check margin requirements here.

The margin calculator is not showing banknifty options fro 11th June,it’s showing option for 25 jun

Weekly option contracts aren’t currently available in Calculator, you can use 25 June contracts to check margins requirements.

Entire…i have a similar capital and enjoying option spread selling.

HI @nithin . I am an intraday index option buyer generally trade in banknifty
As per sebi new margin rule do i need to maintain more balance in my trading account
for option buying??

suppose if I have Rs4000 in my account and i have bought an option for intraday in banknifty
for Rs 3900 and i lost 500. and my trading account balance become 3500. so do i also need to
add that lost amount to my trading account to avoid margin penalty??? please resolve my querry??

In your case, you are not required to bring that 500 rupee loss. You can trade with 3500. No margin penalty for this.
If you want to buy the option you should have cash equal to the premium amount of the option which you intend to buy.

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thank you sir