How is the share market okay to invest in nowadays?

Is share market okay nowadays to invest

Market as a whole is always okay to invest. Though not lump sum at the same time but spreading the investment through months or through mutual funds.

Depends on your portfolio , type of companies you choose. But if you mean in general either index, elss , large or even mid cap, for a time frame of 7 to 8 years. Nothing to worry about. It’s still great to invest


who buys at the top? unless it’s SIP or someone visionary

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It is always a good time to invest. Don’t try to time it. You will fail more often than not.

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a little effort with rationality will get it better

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That’s your opinion. And mine is slightly different.

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i just can’t buy it.

definitly a huge bear slap awaiting for us before december

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I do not think you were expecting 17500 to come this fast a month back.
If there is a dip then it’s really good for the market. I really hope there is one. But 20 to 30 percent that you are hoping for won’t happen this calendar year.

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that’s the least I’m expecting.

being modest is good sometimes

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If it happens I shall come here and acknowledge it for sure. Catch you then. Tata :love_you_gesture:

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at the end of the day it’s game of probability.

anything and everything can happen

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why to seek probability if you are investing
do multi time frame analysis of M,W,D and start to invest
investing in good financial is far better.

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probaility exists everywhere

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we invest on basis of fundamentals not multi time frame analysis, it’s just an aid or signal purpose

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Okay got it , i thought you would be investing at better price. You would have 2 share of icici if were investing for rs 1700 of fund @837.20 but if share price is @1000 you would have only 1 share with that fund. You are investing via SIP then its okay to not check price where it is standing but if lumpsum you have to do technical analysis too.

then invest in epf, ppf , nps etc

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dizzy isn’t it, what did i say?

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Utterly makes no difference in investing, I mean for index or MF that moves like index.

is it like buying high & selling higher?

if someone dosen’t have time to track the market, then he/she can “invest” at any price or time
but if some does track, shouldn’t he be patient for the bargain?

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How do you know you will get a better price. Am sure at 16500 also you must have felt you would get lower price. And in 10 days we are at 17500. Am not saying you won’t get a dip but it’s better to not time the market for a long term investor.
Opportunity foregone in timing the market is much more than the benefit you get on waiting for the dip.