International exchange trade funds (ETFs) will stop accepting fresh inflows. Here's what it means

SEBI has asked AMFI to direct all asset management companies to restrict inflows into international exchange traded funds (ETFs).

What does this mean?

SEBI has prescribed the following limits for international mutual funds, fund of funds (FOF) and exchange traded funds (ETFs):

Mutual Funds can make overseas investments subject to a maximum of US $ 1 billion per Mutual Fund, within the overall industry limit of US $ 7 billion.

Mutual Funds can make investments in overseas Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) subject to a maximum of US $ 300 million per Mutual Fund, within the overall industry limit of US $ 1 billion. — Circular

In 2022, Indian funds started hitting this limit of $7 billion for mutual funds and $1 billion for ETFs. So funds started restricting fresh inflows and ETFs halted fresh creations.

After the correction of global markets, especially the US in 2023, funds started accepting money because there was some space. But given that most funds are US-oriented and the US markets are at or near the lifetime highs, there doesn’t seem to be any space left in ETFs to create new units. Also, fresh inflows into the fund of funds (FOF) that invest in the underlying ETFs will have to stop as well.

Will the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) increase the limit?

Don’t think so. In general, the government isn’t keen on letting money go outside India. Also, here’s what the RBI governor had said when a journalist asked him the same question:

Neil Borate: Sir, this is Neil Borate. I am a Deputy Editor at Mint. The mutual fund industry’s overseas investment limit of US$7 billion has not been raised by the RBI. All funds were stopped from investing fresh money overseas from February 1, 2022 and in fact, this limit of US$7 billion was set in 2008 as far back as that. Now US$7 billion is a tiny blip in our Forex reserves of more than US$600 billion. So, what is the RBI’s stance on this? Why should this not be raised?

Shaktikanta Das: This request has been coming to us from the mutual fund industry from time to time. We have just come out of the pressure on our currency which we witnessed in the aftermath of the starting of the Ukraine war. From February 2022 onwards, the Rupee exchange rate was under a lot of pressure. Initially, there were a lot of outflows. So, it is a question of timing. We do not question the basis of their request. It is a question of the right time for us to do it. We have just come out of the stress on the exchange rate of the Rupee. We experienced huge outflows. Now things have stabilised, and the Rupee has remained very stable. Of course, some people read it wrongly and call it a stabilised arrangement. But it is not stabilised. It is market-determined. If somebody wishes to call it stabilised, so be it.

In the description of the Indian rupee as a stabilised arrangement, the fundamental strength of the Indian rupee is being missed out. They are, the strength of the macroeconomic fundamentals of the Indian economy, the resilience of the Indian financial system, the return of inflows into India, FPI inflows in particular. FDI inflows this year are less than what it was last year, but given that the global FDI volumes have gone down, in that, India’s share is one of the bigger ones. So, these are the points which are being missed out. Our exchange rate system, our economy today is not what it was a few years ago. But that is beside the point.

Coming specifically to your question, I am not questioning the genuineness of their demand. It is a question of timing. When we feel confident that things are, it has to be stable on a durable basis. It is already stable. We will take the call at the right time. RBI

What will happen to my investments?

Your existing investments in ETFs will be unaffected, but the AMCs will stop creating fresh units. However, the existing units will continue to be traded on the exchanges.

Let me simplify that further.

ETFs are a little different from MFs since they are listed. If a mutual fund stops accepting fresh inflows, there’s no way you can invest more in the mutual fund. But an ETF is different. The way ETFs stop accepting fresh inflows is to stop the creation. In other words, they stop creating new units, but the existing units can be bought and sold without any issues. But this can create a problem. When buying an ETF, you have to pay attention to two numbers:

  1. The price of the ETF that you see on Kite or other trading platforms. This price is based on the demand and supply of the ETF on the stock exchanges.
  2. iNAV or the Indicative or Intraday Net Asset Value (iNAV). This is the fair value of the ETF, or the current market value of the underlying holdings.

If an ETF is liquid, both the price and the iNAV will be close to each other. But sometimes, they can diverge quite a bit. In such cases, the market makers and authorized persons of the ETF can go to the AMC, give them cash for ETF units or ETF units for underlying stocks, and arbitrage this difference. I’ve explained creations, redemptions and arbitrages in detail on Varsity:

This means that these ETFs can trade at premiums and discounts compared to their underlying NAV. So always check the Indicative or Intraday Net Asset Value (iNAV) of the ETFs before placing an order. Search for an ETF symbol and you will see the same symbol with the “INAV” suffix.


We will also start showing a Nudge on Kite like this:

Does this affect international mutual funds?

It depends on how much space the AMCs have. But it’s safe to assume that if the international markets keep going up, whatever space the MFs have will be exhausted, and they will have to stop accepting new inflows. So far, only Motilal Oswal has stopped lump-sum investments but is accepting SIPs in two of its international mutual funds:


Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi sir
In future is there any chances to stop mafang,masptop50,mahktech etc ?

Answered above

Hey @Bhuvan how is the uc for mafang being set lower than last closing price for last few days only? the NAV and price has been rangebound, so the uc and lc shouldn’t be adverse

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Shows the same on the exchange sites.

I am guessing the UC is being calculated on iNAV and not the price.

Yes, and that seems fair. Circuit are designed to avoid too much speculation and volatility

The two components that drive uc,lc - NAV has been rangebound for this month and recently has reduced slightly, and mkt price has reduced from 99 to 93 today.

So uc should also be in same range and not lower than market price suddenly that too only this week since 22 april

Calculate it based on iNAV

Sorry, for repeated basic questions, I tried looking up for the logic/calculation but not able to find it. I have all the metrics gathered, can you please help?

It seems like the UC and LC are calculated as + and - 20% of the iNAV and not the price—both are different. In this case, the iNAV of the ETF is 77.33. You can check the iNAV on Kite too.

So, +20% of 77.33 and -20% of 77.33 = the UC and LC.

If your question is about what is iNAV, check the original post, I’ve explained it.

Does this mean that I cannot invest into MAFANG as of today if I am starting afresh?

You can buy mirae asset faang ETF.
There is no issues on etfs. Although the premium will be slightly higher.
Same with nasdaq 100 etf of motilal

What benefit MAFANGINAV(BSE) has over MAFANG (NSE) from perspective of setting up SIP?

You cannot buy the iNAV. It is just listed for conveying what the actual NAV of the ETF is, vs what the ETF (MAFANG) is trading at.

If MAFANG is at 120, and MAFANGINAV is at 100, it means you are paying 20% premium compared to actual value.

NAV is just actual underlying value. If MAFANG holds assets worth 1000 total, and it has 10 units in total, then NAV is 1000/10 = 100.

120 is the price

No way to buy iNAV. Have to buy the actual thing

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RBI is in no mood to lift the restriction given the devaluation of INR

when international ETFs will unban?

can any 1 answer me when ban will be lifted?

No one knows when it will be lifted.

If you want to know about these three etf

Motilal oswal nasdaq 100 etf
Mirae asset s&p 500 top 50 etf
Mirae asset faang etf

All of the above are available for buying. However certain periods i have noticed that there are only buyers and not sellers.

I am an investor in all of the above three etf and if u are willing to
Pay a premium and wait patiently upu csn buy these etf units

All of the three had no sellers 7 to 8 days back, slowly nasdaq showed some market depth ie units were for sale, followed by s&p 500 top 50 etf

Even today i bought few units of s&p 500 top 50 etf

Etfs are available but st a significant premium as the market makers cannot create new units and bring down the tracking error

I dont mind the premium i pay and hence accumulating. For me these funds are needed as a currency hedge against inr depreciation against usd.

The only authority who can remove the ban is RBI who can increase the limits. The wsy inr is depreciating, i personally do not feel they will increase but who knows?

A query
Is it possible to decide how much premium is OK for the hedge you are looking for?
I am investing via mutual fund so currently investment is stopped till it opens up again… I can purchase ETFs but hesitant to pay current premium

I dont mind the premium i pay and hence accumulating. For me these funds are needed as a currency hedge against inr depreciation against usd.
can you eleborate this above statement please