Introducing Performance curve on Console

Is it after considering charges?

Even if dividend data is included in NAV curve, it’ll be without considering charges/TDS

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Dividends are like a withdrawal right

Stock price should reduce by that much too, which will reflect in NAV.

Yes. There should be withdrawal of units.

Even you are not sure how long will it take. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: best is to delete the post. :saluting_face:

Hi @Jason_Castelino!
This has already been addressed, and we will certainly keep you updated regarding the dividend handling process.

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Should leave it to market to reduce stock price by that much. And then NAV will change by decrease in stock price. Otherwise it will come up twice as withdrawal+ price decrese

Withdrawal of units won’t lead to decrease in value.

Let’s say I have only 1 stock worth Rs. 10000. So I have 10 units at 1000 each as per NAV curve.
If there is dividend of 1000 in total, I will now have 9 units.
Theoretically price of share also falls by 1000. So value is 9000.
So now I have 9 units of 1000 units. NAV doesn’t get affected.

Yes, i understand.

The price of a stock reduces by the dividend amount (in most cases).

So if dividend is paid, NAV changes (as of now, due to change in price).

If Zerodha adds dividend logic, you want it to be a withdrawal of units. You mean that price of stock should be added with dividend and then units should decrease?

Arey. Account value will anyways reduce after the stock goes ex dividend.
And units are to be reduced in the performance curve. That’s it.
NAV will remain constant.

Price of the stock is decided by the market. Now let’s say, next day stock price doesn’t fall equivalent to the value of dividend, it would mean my NAV increases. So backend team doesn’t have to touch the price of the stock.

@TheGouda can we have an option to export this data

Hi, can we get account xirr (means xirr based on funds added, funds withdrawn and total account value as on date).
Isn’t this a basic feature we need?

The performance curve is generated using many different rules for corporate actions, MF transactions, fund pay-in/payout, etc. So, we add or subtract units/pseudo values to arrive at a specific NAV. Exporting this data will not be straightforward.

We’re working on adding benchmarking, XIRR/CAGR, etc in the coming weeks.

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@siva when new option chain will be implemented - you told 3 weeks back, next week still not implented

Will do beta this week.

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Don’t want to make any changes to systems as budget is coming hence postponed to next week.

@siva :slight_smile:

Well since the next week is still coming can you guys add an option to export the final data from the Portfolio performance curve? Just the final data points like NAV, Units & Final Value?

@TheGouda @Ruchi_Porwal

btw option chain will be available tomorrow.


We’re amidst the final computations and we’ll go live soon. We’re definitely considering exporting the final data points of the performance curve. It’s on our list of potential add-ons for the feature.