Hi Jason, this appears to be a one-off case. While we will be recomputing the curve sometime next week, we kindly request you to raise a ticket here so we can investigate the cause.
No. It is not. I have 6 accounts and all the accounts have same problem. I am sure others are facing similar issues.
Let us check and get back on this.
One of my friends has similar issue. His nav dips huge on 31st Dec and then comes back. And nothing as such changed in his account that would have justified this.
This also happened to me. I raised a ticket and got it fixed. He never raised and it’s not fixed. Now I will just wait and see what is the maximum period that stuff like this can remain unfixed. I guess the answer is something like “infinity” but let’s see.
I also suggest you to not raise the ticket from all six accounts. Skip one account. Just see what is going on here.
I haven’t raised even 1.
A very gentle reminder.
We’ll be running a recalculation for everyone. This will be resolved then. We’ll surely keep you updated.