Introducing single ledger facility: trade in equity and commodity (MCX and NSE Commodities) with same funds

Earlier, equity accounts were opened under Zerodha Broking Ltd., while commodity accounts were opened under Zerodha Commodities Ltd. This required clients to maintain funds separately for trading in equity and commodities and the same funds couldn’t be used to trade in equity and vice versa. This was a hassle for clients wanting to trade in both equity and commodity segments with the same funds.

We have now introduced a single ledger facility, which allows you to trade in equity and commodity segments (MCX and NSE Commodities) with the same funds.

If you don’t have an existing commodity account, you just need to activate the commodity segment on Console.

If you already have a commodity account, activating the commodity segment on Console will close the existing account and activate a new segment with a single ledger facility. Before activating the new commodity segment, you must close any open positions and withdraw funds from the commodity account.

You can activate the commodity segment by following the steps given here: What is the single ledger facility?

What are the charges for activating the commodity segment?

There are no charges for activating the commodity segment and opting for the single ledger facility.

Can we use collateral margin for trading in commodities?

Currently, collateral margin cannot be used for trading in commodities. We’re working on making this available soon.


When is this effective from? I opened commodity account on May 31 but single ledger feature was not provided. I’ve submitted support request but not resolved yet.

If you enabled Commodities on 31 May 2024, you should be on a single ledger. Could you please DM your user ID or ticket number, so we can check?


I have tried it 2 times but its not working…also how would I know that’s both ledger have merged??

If the Commodity segment is enabled in Console, you’re on a single ledger. Also, the Kite profile will show NCO & MCX segments since we enable NSE-COM and MCX together.

Can we pledge equity/collaterals to trade in MCX now?

Currently, collateral margin cannot be used for trading in commodities. We’re working on making this available soon.

What would happen to Zerodha Demat opened 3-4 years ago? How will this affect to them?

  • If you’re trading in MCX using a separate ledger, you can move to single ledger and trade MCX and NSE-COM with funds available for Equity.

  • If you’ve never enabled the MCX segment before and do it now, it’ll be a single ledger.

  • Nothing changes in your demat or EQ, F&O and CDS segments.

I meant to ask, Is there any option to not merging i.e. not going through this procedure if one has activated this Commodity account earlier while opening Demat but don’t use it.

What will happen to such Commodity Accounts?

I guess the only drawback will be the fund withdrawal cut off time.
It will be restored to 10PM after some time?

NSE COM has low liquidity and can’t be traded

@TheGouda could you please check you DM

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Collateral margin utilisation is a must!! Without this, no use for us who are heavily pledged!!!

The commodity account you opened earlier was with Zerodha Commodities Private Limited, you can’t club that with your equity account of Zerodha Broking, hence the process.

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We plan to offer this, not immediately though.

I have tried to activate the segment few times now but it doesn’t turn blue button as on…which support ticket line item should I open?

You can create a ticket here. You can DM me the ticket number once created or Client ID. Will check this.

Okay… Understood…

So whst will happen if one doesn’t undergoes this new process?
Would the the Commodity account gets deactivated or something like that?