Kite Data missing for BANKNIFTY today 10:51-10:58

Today, Apr 23, 2024, BANKNIFTY data is missing on the ChartIQ (as well as TradingView), from 10:51 to 10:58. I tried a hard refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R) too, and it is not getting refreshed.

Similar issue with BABKNIFTY APR FUT too, with data only at 10:54, 10:56 and 10:58.

I checked the Disclosures for any outages announced, but couldn’t find anything. Anyone else face a similar issue?


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@NewUser123 @tallerballer

Yes, prices weren’t updating between 10:51 and 10:58. I reached out to Zerodha about it, but customer support unlisted my post. Additionally, there’s no detailed explanation about today’s incident on Zerodha’s official site or bulletin. Many of my friends also experienced the same issue. Zerodha’s Kite web and app were completely frozen during that time period.

You can refer my post here -

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