KYC Validated Status in KRA but remarks: FATCA not provided

When I am checking my CAMS KRA KYC Status for my PAN it is showing KYC Status: Validated, Modification Status: Validated. That’s great.
But, in the KYC Remarks column it is written that “ FATCA NOT PROVIDED ”.
Should I be worried?
My FATCA details are updated in all of my mutual fund folios.
To double check, I went to and checked FATCA details for my PAN - there is no issue there

Then why is CAMS KRA showing this remark for my PAN? This is frustrating

Someone kindly reply

@Neelesh , @Alwin can you give your insights on this issue? :pray:

can you DM your client ID or PAN?

Answered here:

Hi @Alwin thanks! But in my case the remark is “FATCA NOT PROVIDED” which is different from “FATCA NOT APPLICABLE”

FATCA NOT PROVIDED makes it sound as though CAMSKRA thinks that I did not fill the FATCA details - which is false. I have filled every field in the KRA KYC form.

The remarks aren’t standard across KRAs. If you have already provided the FATCA details and your KYC primary status is KRA registered/Validated, you don’t have to worry.

If you need more details and you are a Zerodha account holder, you can DM the ticket number(you can raise a ticket on so we can check for more details and assist you. Otherwise, you can reach out to the respective KRA on their support number or your registered broker to confirm the same.

Ok :+1::ok_hand:

How did you check FATCA details there?

There is a Remarks column in the KYC details table given by CVLKRA or CAMSKRA.