I’ve received the above message few days back. It seems like received from SEBI. As instructed, while clicking the link it opens a website, CVL KRA where it is instructed to provide PAN, Email ID and veryfy both with the received Otp.
I’m a bit confused, whether the same message is being received by other traders, Or simply it is a scam.
Would you please throw some light on it.
Thanks a ton @sufimonks for providing the relevant thread.
Now another problem arises. While going for validation, mobile no and email Id showed on the page are old ones, which don’t exist anymore. So, I get stuck. What can I do now, to validate the same? I failed to understand, why the credentials are not updated with CVL KRA while I opened my account/updated my frofile with Zerodha (with new mobile no and email I’d) . What will be the consequences, if validation is not done?