I had a question related to this. Are the ticks that trading members (like Zerodha, etc) get from the exchange similar, or do they differ? Mainly, I wanted to ask, is it the exchange or the trading member who decides the ticks to pick (within a particular second) for the plotting of the charts out of the thousands of ticks (that happen within a given second)?
The reason why I ask this because when I took a random sample of OHLC data for a particular script at a specified time, I noticed that it was different between brokers (RELIANCE at 15:27 on 20th November 2020)
Zerodha -
Upstox -
Finvasia -
In the above example, I noticed that the data was similar on Upstox’s & Finvasia’s charts but different on Zerodha’s chart for that particular timeframe. Is this minor discrepancy in data due to different ticks being selected by each trading member for plotting their charts or due to exchange sending different data to different trading members? I read an older thread (Why is OHLC data different on live charts and marketwatch? - #3 by nithin) but that doesn’t deal with my particular query.