When you log in to console, the donut graph is a visualization of the account value for that day. Essentially the exact value of your account if you were to exit all holdings and positions at the previous closing price.
Account value =
Free cash
+Stock holdings value (previous closing price)
+Direct MF holdings value (previous day NAV)
+Pledged holdings
+Margins blocked for F&O
+Buy option premium ( previous closing price)
-Short options premium (previous closing price)
We now have a visualization for you to track the historical account value. This will give you a great indication of how you have performed. You can, along with the account value, also track your equity and MF holding values separately.
Click on any of the labels to enable or disable the view. For example, check the below image with MF holdings disabled.
Not all graphs will be this smooth, there might be jagged points due to payin or payout of funds. The payin/payout labels will tell you the dates and value.
There might also be these edges when you apply for SGB (Sovereign gold bonds), Gsecs/Tbills, Quarterly settlement, and FFO (follow on offers) where funds get debited and then units/funds get credited after 1 or more days. Until the funds or units come back, there will be a dip in account value. We have a label called deviations which will indicate the reason for the dip or bump up.
The curve might also be jagged when there is corporate action on the stocks you hold - like stock split, bonus, etc when the price drops due to corporate action but the new split, bonus or other corporate action stocks are yet to be credited.
This feature is in beta, so let us know here if you spot any issues. We have a few more really cool visualizations coming up on Console to help you track and improve your trading account performance.