New Running Account Settlement Rule - Single day for clients of all stockbrokers in India

Please check the status of my client ID HC1053.

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Pls check GS2003, have not recvd credit as yet.

It’s Sunday evening and I still haven’t received my funds in my bank account. Should I be worried?

Bro what’s happening?? What zerodha is doing?? My I’d is GN9125. Funds not received in my bank account till now. Will I receive or not??

It is almost day end still not received the money.

Funds still not credited to my bank account.

Please check the status of my client ID GVC559

@mohitmehra Are there accounts yet to be settled ?

I can see in one of the accounts and also a friend says that nothing has changed since Fri EOD.
No emails of any sort.

Funds still in trading a/c / console and shows as withdrawable balance.
Even after the 225%, both do have excess cash.
Also the primary bank a/c’s are all hdfc bank. (if it helps)


Have sent you and other moderators a DM could you please check and revert.

Funds not credited.

No intimation/message received from zerodha, atleast there should be some update.

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I’ve a question
Now that funds have been sent to bank many traders will try to add it back tomorrow morning.
Because of so many pay in requests at the same time, will the systems be able to handle everything? I think there’s a probability of delay in getting reflected in trading accounts tomorrow and because of this many people may not be able to trade
Apologies for stupid question


The question is valid .

Funds still not received sir. To me it showing that funds have been deducted in Zerodha account but not credited in bank account. Won’t be able to trade tomorrow. Please help sir. ID- SZ7569

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Dear sir funds not credited, please check my client ID HC1053

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Client I’d : GN9125.
Quarterly settlement Fund not yet received in my bank account. Highly frustrating

Quarterly Settlement not yet received in Bank account. Kindly do the needful.
Client ID : GZ3904

My ticket number is 20221009735741. Still not received the settlement.

Both yes and no I think.

Yes because there will be some pressure on Zerodha handling these transactions, no because people use different banks, so the pressure is shared by these banks.

If I am giving money to someone, I am the one who is counting and distributing, and if I am collecting, I will be doing so from many people, and they count, so less pressure on me :grin:

Thats why i said this may happen

RBI should intervene and ask banks to scale up their servers on this special day every quarter. Else more people will be worried & it will create a worry spiral

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Funds processed on 7th Oct, yet to be credited to bank.

Two days passed, amount not credited. If banks cannot handle there should be penalty for holding money.


rules like T+1 settlement, margin changes all got introduced in phased manner.
However, MF purchases via bank direct, Settlement etc just thrown at the current system without even testing.
I wonder who is behind this wisdom.

In the name of safety of retailers, they should take away all our electronic devices and various accounts and handle it themselves :rofl: one day they’ll cage us in the name of safety.