Please Help, I need help badly

As the customer service team has clearly mentioned in the email that the subscription plan is canceled, I think there is nothing to worry. Also, you did cancel your bank account transaction so they would not be able to deduct directly from your bank account since auto debit from the bank has to be activated.

Nothing will happen. You have their emails and everywhere it’s the basic account so even if they come up with any such tactic, you can contact the customer support again.

Hey buddy. C’mon now. Go out. Play a sport. Live life! Making money will come too, at the right time!

This is a one year (almost) old post. I am sure he must have found new avenues

Good if he has. If he hasn’t it’s a reminder.

@ SaddenedNewbie Kindly do not worry as it has been confirmed that your Platinum Plan is cancelled and you have a copy of mails as a proof. If you are still getting anxiety attacks, please consult a healthcare expert.