Please share about today's issue

I never carry forwarded naked sell position in life , unable to close sell options , unable to hedge by buying options.

Ok whatever glitch , you guys should give some explanation right ! all the posts gets unlisted and no response from zerodha team

Is this really fair @nithin @siva

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At which time did you face problem? And what was it . Was validation pending came in order book or something else.

I have a pending order at 3:24PM that I put for taking a new position, which is still shown as pending. What will happen to this order? Why it remains uncanceled?

it will get cancelled

@vishnux we have two kind of risk in financial market
one is subject to MARKET RISK , another one is subject to platform risk , we cannot eliminate those risk , whatever you ask to zerodha they will tell only sorry , not only you most of the client cannot close the position today , , in this kind of high VIX 63 , trading in zerodha platform is risky , because lot of clients pushing orders same time in high VIX zerodha will stuck , we will be in trap and pay a huge loos to our itself , so only expiray day trading i shift to Motilal oswal , in this high VIX i cannot trade in zerodha if any position will stuck we will face huge loss


A lot of people have complained about this on Twitter. So far not a single word from Zerodha.

As usual, a groveling apology will follow, nothing else. Only meaningless lip service, no compensation for the losses we incur because of their shoddiness.

Seems Upstox and other platforms were functioning better, going by Twitter.

I never thought I’d say this, but I am seriously considering leaving Zerodha for good.

I’m also angry with how they try to silence any thread about today’s glitch. Utterly unprofessional and unethical.

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I am wondering why this post is not being unlisted till now. When such incidents occur, the customercare should answer calls, atleast. Minimal of customercare 101.

He unlisted then listed it back again xD

hmm they are gonna unlist this too if we talk bad about them , lets wait for their response, lets hear from them.

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yes learnt lesson , gonna close everything by 2.45 from now.

Got a third rate response from them. Not even an apology. Some nonsense about a technical glitch not allowing orders to go through, and how everyone stuck with a short position in equity will be penalized at the auction. It seems to me they are very happy and smug about our misery. I’ve had enough of this.

Nowadays i’m not trading, india vix is high ,
I skip trading till volatility subsides
So only speculating the market, watching the moves,
Today i got notification from upstox there were squared off the orders on 3:00
Does anyone face any difficulty from upstox platform?

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i put my money in liquid fund, just get 6 % , i am also stayed away from market


Today i am not able to cancel the order at around 3PM , Luckily my position was in CNC , Kite platform got stuck , this is one of riskiest thing , we have to face both platform issue & volatility , i stopped trading for a while .

It happen with me the same, The order went through different phases and it took almost 5 minutes to pass through

Check your guys it is showing huge losses those who are not able to square off.

Zerodha should pay auction penalties


This is really bad.

Z should have anticipated these kind of issues when VIX is high.

Looks like they were not prepared enough.

I guess in such cases ,liability falls on the traders and not Zerodha.

This is why you should use a stable platform like IB or other full service brokers. Any one disagree on this ?

To save on brokerage , now people have to pay 10x or more on losses due to platform risk. I wonder if they would have saved this amount had they traded with full service broker.

Please share your experiences.

Nope. Upstox was fine.