Product updates over the last year at Zerodha

This is also a good idea and can work as an alternative, if tags can’t be implemented in holdings page.

Taking this as a feedback for our team. All the analytics around holdings is currently on Console. We have been debating if we need to bring in some of it within Kite holdings.


Please update Tradingview charts, where the drawings (such as trendlines etc.) are autosaved.


I am a very satisfied user of your product - kudos to your team.

That said, I have read a lot of talk about your (eventually) providing a nice clean implementation of CAGR for our investments on kite or console. Would be nice to get an update on that. If not for CAGR, would it be possible to sneak in a “weighted avg days” into console to help users get some basic view into our investment performance. After all, looking at a consolidated profit figure of “55%” for an investment does not even tell me whether I beat a simple FD with that return?

Thanks for lending an ear and kudos again - nice job folks.


Desktop apps still feel snappier.
Tradingview Desktop app is faster for sure.

Plus one! It should be doable as trading view’s UI auto saves such drawings!

I have also been looking forward to having some basic trailing stop-loss feature on kite and I think it would help me a lot as an investor.

If implementing the trailing stop ORDER TYPE is a challenge, would it at least make sense to provide a trigger or alert so that your user can then at least manually take appropriate action?


Expected roll out date of In-house OMS/RMS?

I am most excited & scared about this update. Hopefully, Zerodha will be more reliable after that. For every issue refinitiv is being blamed by the team. I know, Zerodha is more reliable than most brokers already, but not reliable enough as the largest broker in India & highly sensitive product. Just my personal opinion, i love Zerodha.


+1 for the glitch-protection

Yeah, the equity curve feature is in internal testing. Hopefully soon.

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Yes, I want a specific kind of order type. You can see details here -

In fact, interactive brokers has many different types of order. Some of them very useful. Your server should also be co-located in NSE like IB. So, you should be easily be able to do it.

What you have shared looks like an Iceberg order. We have this feature.

In India, brokers on Colo can only use it for Proprietary trading. They are not allowed to expose the Colo to customers.

No, Adaptive algo is very different than Iceberg order. What it does it that it starts at the middle of Bid/ask value as limit order and then slowly modify it towards bid/ask price until it is completely filled.
The market makers and scalpers thrive on market orders and retail clients are the loosers. This order type basically reduces scalper’s profit and give back to us the retail clients.

@nithin Can we please have the sticky order windows for popout charts as well?

Some suggestions -

  1. Allow tag seggregation in Kite holding like in Console(means - bring console tags to kite). This allows us to create different baskets and trade based upon that. Different portfolio strategies requires this.
  2. Please show full Stock quantity for pledged stocks, since you have now allowed them to be live sold without unpledging. If we want to exit it, The exit menu button doesn’t work. The holding calculation is wrong too.
  3. Probably someone already asked – Show day change in Console too like you do in Kite holdings. Console is more thourough, and we do need that during live trading too.
  4. For Family portfolio tracking, please now allow addition of RTA mutual funds. Smallcase does it, you can too. This would make sure that our portfolio tracking is complete. You have great portfolio tracker with immense potential.
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Hmmm… seems like an algo then. We will check on this.

@tradingops_z can we check on this?

Hi @nithin

Is it possible to incorporate a toggle button onto the console page that exhibits the accessible margin for pledging all securities, along with a breakdown of each security? This feature can enhance users’ comprehension of their margin availability and assist them in making well-informed decisions.

Currently, we have to select each security individually to view its margin pledge.

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Thank you for replying positively. While you check on this, Please also check on this page of IB

They have so many different types of orders. some not relevant to our market(because dark pools are not allowed) , some very relevant.
There are also different third party algo order types too listed there. There is a possibilty of simply incorporating third party relevant algo to zerodha systems. AdaptiveAlgo also is probably available as third party algo too.
We also need some kind of VWAP/TWAP orders for large orders in smallcaps/Futures.

I think you want to see the order book and position page simultaneously, similar to the popout chart in Kite Web. However, implementing this on the app can be challenging. Thank you for sharing your feedback. We will look for feasibility.

Curious to understand the purpose of the trade count on the position page. Are you referring to the count of trades or the count of orders?

The position page includes information about the stocks bought and sold from holdings, as well as overnight NFO positions. On Kite, we display only the orders placed on the same day. how displaying the trade or order count can be beneficial.

Prefilling the alert name is on our to-do list. We will explore the possibilities regarding the inclusion of date and time.