According to this report SEBI will be reducing application amount for REITs and InvITs from 50000 to between 10000 to 15000 and trading will be done in one unit instead of one lot just like stocks. Good for retail investors as bringing down these limits will easily allow us to diversify our portfolio across different assets.
Very good Move! REITs are right now trading highly undervalued (around 25-40% down from actual NAV) , it will be good for regular investment for small retailer alternative to FD, may outperform in 1-2 years as economy opens.
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I do trade the above 3 in zerodha . sometime these reits moves violently.Due to lock down & work from home at all software majors &MNC’s , office realty REIT’s are deeply discounted. My out look is horterm ofcourse.
did any of the Embassy or Mindspace REIT’s paid dividend ?
if yes, how do they pay ? like regular stock dividends ?
Yes, both Mindspace and Embassy have given dividends. Their taxation is a bit different from normal equity dividends (Refer to this thread - Taxation On Embassy REIT Dividend?)