SGB Interest Queries

Hi All,

After few searches, it seems that there is no single way to identify if the interest credits.

  • Do we know how to get accurate dates for Interest credits ( assuming +1-2 days delay due to holidays )
  • Is there any way to track past interests received

Yes we do :slight_smile:
Depends on SGB series you are holding, you can search on internet or in the list being maintained by Shubh

Yes. Check your bank account statement :slight_smile:
Not only for SGB interest, but for everything where you are expecting money, best way to confirm is by checking your bank account.

You can check the interest payment dates for SGBs here: Interest payment dates for Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs)

Since the interest payment is directly credited to your bank, you can refer the the bank statement.

Thanks @Akash_Shah @ShubhS9

Thanks for the List of SGB dates

I understand bank statement is the best place to check but in this case wondering how to verify. Reason being for SGBJUN28 the interest credit date is 16th June and December. But as 16th was sunday i assumed it would be credited today but haven’t received so far. So thought to check

Well I can only say have some patience :slight_smile:
17th was a bank holiday due to bakri eid. So wait for a day more.

Yeah @Akash_Shah
My doubt was valid. Due to weekend and Bank holiday it might have been delayed. Received today
Appreciate the inputs