Stay with trend

Today I made this profit and I just stay with trend.

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Can you share your setup



Congrats :ok_hand::ok_hand:

We don’t Trust on Screenshot Anymore.

Are you sharing only on profitable days ?

Lots of negative talking in the market. I just want to say that money can be made in market with proper knowledge. I never used any indicator or complex chart patterns. Market moves in range bound with support and resistant or in a trend either up or down. I wait with patience for support,resistant or trend is formed then take position accordingly. Today gbpinr,USDINR and NIFTY future all are shorted when clear down trend is formed.

Yesterday I made only 5000+ hence not shared. Loss is a part of game I cut it short. Don’t want to give negative impressions by sharing negative results.

Let me say Once again.
We Don’t Trust Screenshot.

I respect your decision not to trust screenshots anymore.

As mentioned by @Baidurya_Sarkar Please correct your Mobile Time. @gopchem

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Order book.

It’s okay. You don’t have to share everything here.
Profit & Loss It’s a part of every traders life.

This platform is for learning.
People here are for only one thing that is knowledge.
Money will come and go but Knowledge will always help in Life.


My last sharing. I am not a fake trader.

then why are you doing this ?

You don’t have to proof anything here.

Note:- We don’t Trust Screenshot.

Market time for CDS is till 5 pm
Don’t know why ppl with half knowledge try to be smart here

@Lets_Invest @Baidurya_Sarkar
What’s wrong with 3.53 pm?
Please earn knowledge before reacting.