Superiority of Trading View over Kite

It isn’t as easy as it seems from the outside. There are multiple challenges - not just with tradingview but with any other third party platform - especially the foreign ones. .

When you don’t own the source code to a trading platform that you offer or if there no 24/7 local support, you know the risks right? It is okay as a standalone charting platform, but as a trading platform on a certain day if something is not right and you are not able to spot it and fix it immediately, that potentially could be the death to the business. Using it only for charting is a debatable topic. We had decided to power our charting using chartiq - another really big charting solutions vendor.

Even though on the outside Kite looks like a really simple platform, we run some crazy bits to optimize performance. Today Kite is powering maybe the maximum number of retail trades per day. It would not have been possible if we had used a third party platform. Again like I said, they would be a good bet to power charting, but not the entire trading experience.

Today tradingview is trying to get the social bit going on their website, so they are offering attractive deals for integration. But what if once they have acquired the community they start upping the price? At the brokerage rates we work, we can’t take the risk of any price increase. Again something which can potentially disrupt our business.

But yeah, that said, we know the guys there and we may decide to work together in the future.